

LLC "RAYHAAN GROUP" has the ability to supply:

The original location and distribution of the plums between Altai and Caucasian mountains are known to be the region. In Europe, the plum came to life thanks to the people of Syria and became a very popular and very common fruit almost immediately.

The plum contains a significant variety of minerals, fats, vegetables, vitamins such as vitamins B, C, PP and E, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, and others as well as mineral salts. The presence of vitamin P in the formulation decide the circulatory system's advantages. The blood vessel walls are strengthened and blood pressure normalised.

The laxative effect of plum and all substance produced during processing is extremely useful in the presence of gastro-intestinal problems. Furthermore, prunes can extract unhealthy cholesterol from the body that speaks plainly of the benefits of prunes. Experts suggest that they use prunes both for hypertension and kidney failure. Plum contributes to the normalization of body water metabolism and has a diuretic function.

Plum increases the nervous system's appetite and normalizes its functioning. Prams are 49 kcal per 100 gr of calorie. The use of plums for aesthetic reasons is also very beneficial. Plum masks help to rejuvenate the skin, return it freshness and elasticity.


You can order Plum on the website by leaving an online application. You can also call directly by phone. Managers will help you place an order. We work with large and small wholesale clients. We organize deliveries to anywhere in Uzbekistan. We also export products to Russia, CIS countries and foreign countries. In your order, you can vary the delivery time, order quantity, color and size of the product.

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