Cocoa powder

Cocoa powder

LLC "RAYHAAN GROUP" has the ability to supply:

Cocao are a type of evergreen trees that are commonly used in different fields of human existence and are the fruits of beans. Cocoa fruit consists remarkably of about 50 almond seeds immersed in a sticky bath. One tree can grow up to four kilograms of these seeds during the fruiting cycle.

Cocoa powder is obtained by grinding cacao cake, which remains a by-product after the cocoa mass pressing processes. By the way, the consistency and flavor of cocoa powder, colour and scent depend directly on the quality and produce of raw materials.

You will produce lots of tasty cacao powder dishes: glazes, desserts, ice cream and jellies, sweets, sweets, pastries, biscuit or biscuits, filling for different cakes.

Cocoa powder and cooking will boost strength and sound. This is because this substance is capable of stimulating endorphine synthesis - the so called 'hormone of pleasure.'


You can order Cocoa powder on the website by leaving an online application. You can also call directly by phone. Managers will help you place an order. We work with large and small wholesale clients. We organize deliveries to anywhere in Uzbekistan. We also export products to Russia, CIS countries and foreign countries. In your order, you can vary the delivery time, order quantity, color and size of the product.

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