Black tea

Black tea

LLC "RAYHAAN GROUP" has the ability to supply:

Interestingly, many varieties of black tea are present, but first of all, they are classified into long tea, granular, boxed and laminated tea. Furthermore, it is flavored very frequently, for example, with bergamot oil, citrus extracts, vanilla, cinnamon, etc.

Depending on the country of manufacture, Yunnan, Kimyn, Asam Tea, Earl Gray, Darjeeling, Lapsang Souchong, Ceylon and Puer all have the most common variety and style of Black Tea in the world.

It includes alkaloids, organic acids, tannines, special pigments, vitamins, essential oils, which make up the composition of Black Tea is very complex. Both these elements add a special fragrance and a mildly tarty taste to the finished cocktail. Any polyphenolic compounds like tannin are found in black tea. Tea has astringent and effective bactericidal effects. This characterizes Tea.

The benefits of black tea are apparent to people because of the content of certain vitamins, particularly A, C, B and PP. For example, the vascular walls are gradually consolidating and improving their elasticity precisely because of the presence of vitamin PP and daily intake of black tea. Also in black tea are essential trace elements such as phosphorous, potassium and fluorine.


You can order Black tea on the website by leaving an online application. You can also call directly by phone. Managers will help you place an order. We work with large and small wholesale clients. We organize deliveries to anywhere in Uzbekistan. We also export products to Russia, CIS countries and foreign countries. In your order, you can vary the delivery time, order quantity, color and size of the product.

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