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Dimensions and characteristics
All dimensions and characteristics of products are indicated in the file
Download file (PDF)LLC "RAYHAAN GROUP" has the ability to supply:
In the production of glass, including crystal and non-ferrous metallurgy: for plum production, zincing, tungsten, strontium, chromium; for desulphurisation and dehosphorisation of cast iron; for the purification of residual gases; for new production of plumbing and tungsten; for the production of waste, for the production of metallic and non-ferrous material; for the use of platforming, for processing, for production of waste, for the production of metallurgical materials.
Na2CO3 (sodium carbonate, sodium carbonate) technological soda ash is intended for, and for sale to chemical, ceramic, electrical, pulp and paper and other industries. Technical soda ash of grades A and B should be produced depending on the intent.
Grading A product is used in pharmaceutical, glass and other industry for the manufacture of vacuum glass and for other applications, grade B.
Requirements for defense
Fire and blast proof are technical soda ash, which belongs to the 3rd hazard class substances depending on the degree of body damage.
Guaranteed product shelf-life
Brand product A - 3 month, brand B - 6 month from date of manufacture, soft container product - 5 years from date of manufacture.
A are packed in:
- Polypropylene bags 50kg
- MKR (big bags) 1000 kg
- Other types of packaging at the request of the customer
It is delivered packaged or in bulk, taking action to discourage the substance from accessing and discharging the environment. It is carried in compliance with the laws of transport by all forms of transport.
You can order Technical soda ash (sodium carbonate, sodium carbonate) on the website by leaving an online application. You can also call directly by phone. Managers will help you place an order. We work with large and small wholesale clients. We organize deliveries to anywhere in Uzbekistan. We also export products to Russia, CIS countries and foreign countries. In your order, you can vary the delivery time, order quantity, color and size of the product.