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Dimensions and characteristics
All dimensions and characteristics of products are indicated in the file
Download file (PDF)LLC "RAYHAAN GROUP" has the ability to supply:
Ammophos (MAP) NH4H2PO4
Universal granular heavily enriched nitrogen-phosphorus nitrate-free fertilizer. Most successful on low mobile phosphorus content soils.
Contains water-soluble phosphates which are easily accessible to plants. Fosters an improvement in the resistance of the plant to detrimental environmental conditions and diseases. Promotes a root and fruit buildup of sugar. It is suitable for every soil and every cultivation.
It is ideally suited for winter cereals as an autumn fertiliser, the primary nutrient used for the production of root crops, and also for fruit and beer crops.
It has outstanding physical and chemical properties and makes it easier to store and use. Suitable for the preparation both of fertilizer mixtures and for direct individual use. Soluble water. Water. It is possible to apply in greenhouses. Manufactured from ecological raw materials.
A are packed in:
- Polypropylene bags 50kg
- MKR (big bags) 1000 kg
- Other types of packaging at the request of the customer
It is delivered packaged or in bulk, taking action to discourage the substance from accessing and discharging the environment. It is carried in compliance with the laws of transport by all forms of transport.
You can order Ammophos (MAP) on the website by leaving an online application. You can also call directly by phone. Managers will help you place an order. We work with large and small wholesale clients. We organize deliveries to anywhere in Uzbekistan. We also export products to Russia, CIS countries and foreign countries. In your order, you can vary the delivery time, order quantity, color and size of the product.